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Romney Endorses in Arizona

The Tucson Citizen is reporting that Mitt Romney has chosen to endorse Jesse Kelly in the state of Arizona. Regarding Kelly, Romney stated:

“I am particularly impressed with his practical conservative solutions to get Americans back to work. It is time to send businesspeople with experience in creating private sector jobs and balancing budgets to Washington.”

  • Jesse Kelly has made a powerful bid for Congress in the 8th district. His campaign has been in full swing for quite some time, with an active Youtube page and advertising on the Drudge Report. This exposure has won him the attention of voters in Arizona’s 8th, as he won last week’s primary by a solid eight point margin over his nearest primary rival. Kelly is a veteran of the Iraq war, where he served in the United States Marine Corps. Now, he is seeking to unseat a four year Democrat incumbent in the 8th district in southeast Arizona. Kelly’s approach toward job growth, that so impressed Governor Romney, focuses on healing the punishing atmosphere nationwide, that causes business to find answers abroad. While Kelly seeks to help the people of southeast Arizona, he understands that the solutions are necessarily those that benefit the entire nation. This means lower taxes,  reduced spending, reducing the deficit, and generally “getting Washington out of the way” of private business growth. Only when business sees reason to return to American soil will job growth factor into the recovery, but this will not happen if the leftist D.C. agenda continues as is.

    AZ-8 is currently rated as somewhere between “Lean Democratic” and pure toss up. His opponent, Gabrielle Giffords is a strong supporter of the pro-abortion lobby, earning a 100% rating from NARAL. She backed the “porkulus” and cap and trade. She supported the health care takeover, while voting against the amendment to prohibit federally funded abortion. Just about any major far-left item of the Obama-Pelosi agenda was supported by Gabrielle Giffords. She attempts to claim a moderate position, citing gun rights, but her views are far too much to the left for a conservative district such as Arizona’s eighth. It is time to relieve Giffords from her position. Jesse Kelly is reporting for duty.

    Jesse Kelly for U.S. Congress

  • Oddly though, this endorsement, while proudly received by Kelly and reported from several news sources, has not been announced among the endorsements listed on the Free and Strong America PAC website. Perhaps, this is because it is only the first of a wave of Arizona endorsements from Romney… uncertain at the moment, but it would not be surprising to see in the wake of the Arizona primaries.

    What is certain though, is that today has seen Romney make four endorsements for candidates in the state of Oregon. More on those later.

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