
Archive for July 8, 2010

Some Support for Mitt’s Op-Ed

Courtesy of Jim Talent. Check it out on National Review Online

Talent correctly explains how Kerry never addressed or disproved any of Romney’s points, just dismissed or ignored them. Not to spoil the article, but Talent sums this up best at the end when he states. “The more the administration ignores or dismisses the concerns of critics, the clearer it is that the changes embodied in this treaty will not be for the better, and could be disastrous.” How true, but of course ignoring those critical of its policy has been standard form for this administration…

Further New-START Criticism

The New Republic has entered the fray declaring now that Mitt Romney is “looking like a worse presidential candidate every day.” Their assessment of Romney that leads to this conclusion? Well, they argue that he has “positioned himself far to the right of John McCain,” and that he is not “the second coming of Gerald Ford.” The New Republic also argues that Romney will not be good for this country because he is speaking more like Ronald Reagan and less like Jimmy Carter.

With denunciations like this, who needs endorsements?

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